It's time to clean out your fridge, freezer, and pantry. It's hard to give in to temptation if you don't have it in your home. That's why you need to get it out of the house. I found this part pretty easy because we'd done a few different diets before, so all we really had to get rid of the grains and legumes.
Here's what needs to go:
Drinks: coffee drinks (coffee you brew yourself is fine), energy drinks, sweetened teas (unless it tea you sweetened yourself with honey), juices, drink mixes, sports drinks, soft drinks, diet drinks, any drink with sugar or artificial sweeteners, milk (except whole milk, if you're not lactose intolerant), rice milk, soy milk, and almond milk
Dairy: nonfat milk, low-fat milk, frozen yogurt, sweetened yogurt, low-fat yogurt, nonfat yogurt, processed cheeses and cheese spreads, and ice cream
Baking ingredients: flour (except nut and coconut flours), corn meal, corn starch, corn syrup, baking powder, anything with gluten, milk powders, canned milks (except coconut milk), maltodextrin, and sugar
Fats & oils: margarine, vegetable shortening, buttery spreads and sprays, cottonseed oil, soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, all high polyunsaturated oils, all products containing trans fats and partially-hydrogenated fats
Sweets: candy, baked goods, candy bars, marshmallows, chocolate syrup, ice creams, flavored milks, packaged/processed sweets and treats, agave, artificial sweeteners, brown sugar, cane sugar, evaporated cane juice, high fructose corn syrup, honey (unless it's raw and local), molasses, powdered sugar, sweetened nuts, prepackaged trail mixes, popsicles, most frozen desserts, milk chocolate, and milk chocolate chips
Legumes: all, including peas, soybeans and peanuts. These are full of anti-nutrients and stimulate increased levels of insulin.
Condiments: honey (unless it raw and local), any mustard containing gluten, jams and jellies, ketchup, mayonnaise, lite mayonnaise, any salad dressing containing high fructose corn syrup or oils from the list above, low-fat salad dressings, barbeque sauces, soy sauce, salsa with corn, teriyaki sauce containing high fructose corn syrup, and any other products with sugar, HFCS or bad oils
Grains: pretzels, crackers, cereal, corn, rice, wheat, bread, pasta, doughnuts, Danishes, croissants, tortillas, flat breads, oatmeal, popcorn, rice cakes, baguettes, muffins, cupcakes, cakes, toast, grits, granola, pancakes, waffles, chips, barley, graham crackers, taco shells, pitas, pizza, rolls, biscuits, amaranth, quinoa, bulgur, buckwheat, millet, rye, barley, couscous, and puffed snacks
Meat and fish: pre-packed meat products, cured meats, meats processed with chemicals and sweeteners, smoked meats, frozen meal meats, meats containing nitrates or nitrites, meats raised with hormones, pesticides and antibiotics, most farmed fish, fish from polluted water or caught by environmentally-objectionable methods, and fish at the top of the food chain, like shark and swordfish
Processed foods: all of it; if it comes in a bag, box, or wrapper, read the ingredients carefully, that includes energy bars, fruit candies, frozen meals, and protein bars
Fast food: again, basically all of it; if it has a bun, a box, or a wrapper, it's not worth the "convenience"
You may be asking yourself at this point what you can eat. This is understandable if you are used to eating all the foods listed above. It's pretty easy. You eat high-quality, whole foods like meat, fish, fowl, eggs, vegetables, healthy fats (animal fats, grass-fed butter, and coconut oil for cooking with, avocados, olives, olive oils, and small amounts of nuts for eating), and small amounts of fruits, high-fat dairy (if you're primal), starchy tubers, nut butters, herbs, spices, extracts, and dark chocolate. In fact the flowchart below was created by and is a fun way to show what's Paleo and what isn't: