Friday, December 2, 2016

Paleo Tips, Tricks, & Hacks: Surviving the Holidays

     I had the idea some time ago to share tips, tricks, and hacks to help others who wanted to get into the paleo diet. We've been eating this way for a while, so we've learned a lot along the way, sometimes through luck, sometimes through sound advise from others, and sometimes through trial and error.

     With the holidays fast approaching, we decided that in our first video we would talk about our top 10 tips to holiday success. These tips are tried and true to get your through the holiday season with as little stress and as much healthy eating as possible. Within each tip, we share some of our favorite sub-tips to make it even easier.

Here is an easy list of our top 10 tips, in case you don't have 36 minutes to devote to the video right now.

10. If there is nothing wrong with you, and you are just eating paleo to be healthier, indulging over the holidays is okay.

9. If you want to stick to your paleo way of eating, be firm but not rude.

8. Make time to play. Enjoyment is what the holidays are supposed to be about.

7. Take time to rest. Your friends, family, and body will thank you for it.

6. Tell the food pushers that your doctor told you to stick to your diet.

5. Follow the 80/20 rule. It will allow you to treat yourself and still feel good about yourself.

4. Make your own sauces. Most of them are really easy and much healthier than store bought.

3. Make a travel plan. Don't just plan your route, plan your food, too.

2. Have a game plan, but don't be a slave to it.

1. Paleo-fy your family's favorite holiday foods!

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